“Perfectly cast, Daniel de Weldon’s languorous portrayal of self-preening Lot (Tennessee Williams) is an instance of unimpeachable camp — he touches up the roots of his tinted locks as reverently as he fondles his mother’s precious crystal... performances make the experience richly entertaining."
—Chief Critic Charles McNulty
"Daniel de Weldon with a James Dean look & intensity creates and accomplishes the miraculous, de Weldon is a member of the legendary Actors Studio and it shows."
— Top Critic Steven Stanley
"Initially and damn effectively, Daniel de Weldon is a blunt force instrument, to borrow the phrase with which M labeled Daniel Craig's newly minted 007 Bond. de Weldon's transformation was magnificent in his tentative attempts of intimacy and tenderness."
— Top Critic James Scarborough
of The Huffington Post
"And kudos go to Daniel de Weldon. This is the mark of a brilliant performance that enlists such an emotional response to a character...Some of the most dramatic and sensational moments I have witnessed on stage."
— Shari Barret

"Daniel de Weldon is a reminder of Marlon Brando's Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire..."
— Mary Montoro
"Daniel de Weldon finds an arresting stillness, gorgeously performed. Deeply inhabited on a moment to moment basis, turbulently affecting and robust performance... and the performers gorgeously conjure the sudden weightless astonishment of finding themselves attached to each other."
— Top Critic Charlotte Stoudt

"...stagecraft de Weldon plies flawlessly... Theatergoers who care about fine acting should likewise attend the production for the unearthly performance of Daniel de Weldon."
— Top Critic Dany Margolies
"de Weldon sat staring into space playing out Shanley's Apache dance with scrupulous honesty and attention to the details, unfolding in the ebbs and flows of real time... live-wire performance... was the art and craft of being... it matters because it's so rare when they get it so right."
— Chief Critic Steven Leigh Morris
"High-octane talent... Daniel de Weldon brought gritty authenticity... had me admiring the performances. To its considerable credit was deeply inhabited on a moment-to-moment basis by de Weldon."
—Chief Critic Charles McNulty
"Lot’s casual dismissal of Myrtle’s eager and excited manner, his expressions of revulsion at the sound of her voice, his dislike of being touched, his constant storytelling about his late mother with the details of his mother’s superior refinement — this is all masterly writing by Williams, and beautifully performed by Daniel de Weldon... some fine work — one great performance."
— Critic Gray Palmer
The other two actors here, are finely skilled, but they are merely acting. We begin to wonder whether de Weldon is merely acting, not reassured by his nearly spectral bows at the play’s end.
— Top Critic Dany Margolies
"Daniel de Weldon's performance is wonderfully layered. When he gives us a glimpse inside, the bear becomes a teddy bear."
— Top Critic Dave DePin0
"Daniel de Weldon’s performance is worth the price of admission in and of itself; his is a talent we need to see more of on L.A. stages.”
— Ernest Kearney
"de Weldon's multi-layered portrayal, deserves special note for hitting every level David Rabe could have imagined."
— Critic Dave DePino
"Daniel de Weldon's acting is wonderfully evocative of the time and
place, the characters come alive, convincing portrait and brilliant acting."
– Laurie Senit
"The power of Daniel de Weldon, to tap into the desparado that lives deep within many of us, looking for love and connection."
— R. Goldberg
Bravo to Daniel de Weldon for his total commitment to his unapologetically, unsympathetic role of Lot."
— Gil Kaan
"de Weldon... The performances are Gothic. The literal oozing of sexuality... beautiful exercise in the extremes that Williams' work calls for."
— Michael Sheehan
"Daniel de Weldon becomes the character, incredible transformation."
— Brian Slate
"Father Braulio of the Inquisition, effectively and menacingly portrayed by Daniel de Weldon. It was a tour de force performance with bouts of religious ecstasy and erotic fantasy."
— Ellyse Cooke
"Daniel de Weldon makes Shanley's pungent, staccato dialogue believable... Wild."
— James Taylor
"Daniel de Weldon's well portrayed, demanding performance that draws approving laughs from the empathetic audience."
— M. Rutherford
"As affecting as any of William’s female leads
Mr. de Weldon’s performance as Lot is particularly moving."
— Patricia Foster Rye
"de Weldon has impressive technique, defining his role with punctilious precision."
— Top Critic Deborah Klugman
"Daniel Felix DeWeldon as Father Braulio is pure power, sex appeal,
and charisma. Masterfully and beautifully crafted work."
— Lillian Muller
Playboy Magazine's Playmate of The Year
The way DeWeldon transforms Jason from a hipper than thou vet to a dude with a serious God-complex has to be seen to be believed.
- James Scarborough Of The Huffington Post

"de Weldon's... Anonymous 616 could go straight to big screens; a rarity that could find company with films like The Blair Witch Project and the first Paranormal Activity."
-Film Critic, Josh Millican DreadCentral.com
"Daniel DeWeldon is brilliant as the complacent turned ruthless Jason who refuses to deny this alter-ego taking over his psyche. He instantly transforms into a superior, paranoid and narcissistic animal, pillaging the house of all its demons."
- Horrorpedia Film Critic
Meredith Bogard Brown
Special performance honors in the picture to Daniel de Weldon ... Stanislavski promoted the idea ... Many don’t do it nearly as well. A central character
tour-de-force... the camera eye is on de Weldon and he does not disappoint
with his riveting presence.
- Horror News, Film Critic Kevin Nickelson
"de Weldon's transformation (his fricative cursing warbled into marbled words of love) into a teensy weensy less blunt force husband willing to assume accountability for his nasty propensity towards violence, for the exorcism of Roberta’s demons, for the rewriting of his life’s script, was equally magnificent.
- James Scarborough Of The Huffington Post
"de Weldon delivered an absolutely phenomenal performance and earned
himself a round of applause and standing ovation... "
- Jury, 13.Horror.com
"One Must Fall" ... "the ever so talented Daniel de Weldon, who portrays the slick and cunning (but petrified) Daniel. His performance as the tough, know-it-all, chain-smoking ladies’ man, is an incredible transition from his role in the fantastic film, Anonymous 616 (where he captured all with his PTSD paranoia and viciousness in the most cerebral way.)
- Horrorpedia Film Critic
Meredith Bogard Brown
"de Weldon's live wire performance turned out to be indelible manifestations of what Mark Rydell (Director of "On Golden Pond") and Martin Landau (Academy Award Best Actor - "Ed Wood") were struggling to articulate about theater being one of the last stands against a culture that values us more for what we can buy than what we can be... volatile intimacy.
- Steven Leigh Morris
The Actors Studio interview
IMDb - Best Actors
Jofi Elias - IMDb Film Critic
... standout performance leaps onto the screen with Daniel de Weldon’s role as DJ, the wise-ass, gun wielding drug dealer who believes anything can be resolved with a wad of cash or goods. It’s another stellar appearance that provides shock, fear and comedic dialect. Amazing!
Daniel de Weldon’s performance, he is brilliant here. Dark and brooding but caring at first before transforming into a cruel and sadistic monster. Some may lament the character shift but would be choosing to ignore the signs posted earlier on and the combination of drugs in his system. Does he go too far? Absolutely but when the finale reveals the manipulation, it all makes sense.

The fact that you can't but keep your eyes fixed on this fast-rising modern-day Rat Pack actor when he's amidst an ensemble tells you he's no doubt going to be a lead screen favorite.
- Badland Wives Production
Director Stephen S. Campanelli
Fast-paced and suspenseful, Weekend Warriors is led by the ferocious performance of Daniel de Weldon (One Must Fall, Underdog, Badland Wives), a talent we are destined to see more of in the future.
-Danni Winn
Led by the commanding and hard-hitting Wesley... de Weldon demonstrates his natural transformation into bad-guy status by burying all feelings against harming the kids who witness the first of several casualties. As the race for salvation dwindles with each brutal force of nature, their survival rate seems terminal. De Weldon not only steals the spotlight; he demands it.
-Jill Bogard
So, let’s begin the cast talk with him. Damn, he makes a great villain... With this many characters, it would be so easy to get lost in the shuffle but de Weldon steals the spotlight.
- Carl Fisher
Once again, de Weldon dominates the frame as the villainous bad boy, using continuous interference of intimidation and violence. He brilliantly instills fear, pinpointed perfectly by his presence and his control over Anabel. Catering to his mood swings and appeasing to his demands only creates a bond between the two misguided talents which helps bring them together…even without the incessant meddling by Eddi to win her over.
With a pinch of gloomy taunts in bully-like fashion, it’s clear executive producer Jeremy Howe has helped create something more ominous than his Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon hits, while holding onto the dark humor and sarcasm we’ve come to adore.
- Meredith Bogard Brown